Serves: 6 |
Prep Time: 5 minutes |
Cook Time: 5 minutes

- 1 cup walnuts, rinsed
- 1 Tbsp Eden Barley & Brown Rice Miso, or Mugi Miso
or Eden Shiro Miso - 1/2 cup water
- 2 Tbsp scallions, chopped
Toast nuts in a dry skillet over a medium heat. Stirring constantly to prevent burning. Add miso, and water. Stir, and simmer 2 minutes. Place in a blender or food processor and puree to a smooth paste. Add scallions, and blend again. Delicious served with cooked organic grains, any Eden Pasta, vegetables or as a spread on whole grain bread.
Nutritional Information
Per serving - 132 calories, 12 g fat (75% calories from fat), 6 g protein, 3 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 0 mg cholesterol, 136 mg sodium