Pertinent Info

Principles — Issues

Peruse pertinent information that fundmentally affects quality of life on earth. A range of information about diet, lifestyle, food, macrobiotics, agriculture, irradiation, GMOs, haywire social policies, and toxic food processing.

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Food Facts

Appreciate whole grain, see how matcha green tea powder is made. What makes pure vanilla extract special? Why is there so much fake food, a fake soy controversy, and disinformation about real food? "Knowledge is power." Francis Bacon. Learning is fun.

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In the News

Editors and writers report about Eden Foods.

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Eden Affirmations

View some of the awards received by Eden Foods for its work and food.

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Third Party Certifications

Eden Foods is discerning in teaming with certain third party certification and inspection service organizations to ensure our continued improvement, and discipline to Eden standards of organic, natural, non-GMO, and kosher authenticity, as well as excellence in food safety and quality. We welcome everyone to view and download certification documents from BRC, OCIA, Non-GMO Project, OK Laboratories, AIB International, and C-TPAT. In addition to these oversights and continual improvement efforts, we participate in regular government inspections carried out by the FDA, USDA, Michigan Department of Agriculture, OSHA, MIOSHA, and many other authorities.

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Press Releases

Recent and archived company news, Eden food introductions, packaging upgrades, improvements, achievements, affirmations, policies, goals, and more.

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Kudos to Eden

Communications received from satisfied Eden customers.

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