Recipes Education Center
Here are several simple cooking suggestions, from our kitchen to yours, that we hope will be helpful and useful when preparing meals. Choosing the best quality ingredients, proper cleaning and storage of both uncooked and cooked food items are practical tips that we feel are essential in creating the most delicious and nutritious meals for you, your family and friends.
Aquafaba is the cooking liquid or brine in a can of garbanzo beans or chickpeas. The word aquafaba comes from the Latin aqua or water, and faba or bean. When whipped, this liquid mimics whipped egg whites for use in cooking and baking. When whisked, it froths for use as a binder or egg replacement for cakes, muffins, and pancakes. In many recipes, it can be used as a whole egg replacement.
EDEN Home Beauty Recipes
An assortment of natural home beauty recipes you can make with everyday food ingredients and essential oils from East and West. They can be used to heal, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, to help relieve stress, or to change your mood.
Developed following traditional aromatherapy guidelines, Eden offers these soothing and simple formulas for your enjoyment. Recipes similar to these have been used for hundreds of years to help stimulate inner energy and outer beauty.
Please follow the guidelines for each recipe and read the Home Beauty Recipes Disclaimer and instructions for Selecting & Handling Essential Oils before using.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
- Body Polish Recipes
- Bath Salt Recipes
- Arame Hip Bath
- Arame Lemon Soak
- Kombu Bath
- Lemon Salt Bath
- Oily Skin Cleanser
- Olive Oil and Lemon Nail Strengthener
- Olive Oil Skin Moisturizer
- Salt Compress
- Sea Salt Foot Bath
- Soy Buttermilk and Barley Malt Mask
- Soymilk and Barley Malt Mask
- Vinegar Bath
- Vinegar Foot Soak
- Citrus Scalp Scrub
- Rejuvenating Apple Cider Vinegar Lemon-Honey Gummies