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January 2014

Although Italian style pasta reigns supreme in the West, Japanese pastas known as noodles are rapidly gaining popularity. Originating in China, noodles were taken to Japan by Buddhist monks where they have been a favorite in that culture for over 1,200 years. More noodles are consumed in Japan today than any other food except rice. All over Japan there are these tiny shops exuding enticing aromas. They are the ‘sobaya’ &emdash; the first Japanese fast food shops. There, people hurriedly arrive and leave happily satisfied. The sobaya, or noodle shop, serves a variety of traditional soba and udon dishes to a bustling clientele of that neighborhood.

Soba is made of a blend of buckwheat and wheat flours. Wheat is used to hold the noodles together. Soba's cook time is similar to spaghetti, but it is square cut rather than round. Udon is made of a blend of wheat flours, and is similar in shape and texture to linguine. Traditional soba and udon noodle dishes are amazingly popular in Japan and are always a happy and satisfying discovery to foreign visitors.

EDEN Soba and Udon noodles are traditionally made and offer the art, wholesomeness, and satisfaction of the sobaya for use in our homes.

Authentic Fare

Eden Foods makes seven kinds of authentic organic soba and udon • Soba (70% spring wheat, 30% whole buckwheat) • Kamut SobaKamut UdonSpelt SobaSpelt UdonWheat & Rice Udon, and • 100% Whole Grain Udon which is the only 100% whole grain udon in North America. They are crafted at the Sobaya Company of Montréal, Québec using imported Japanese equipment and the customary roll-and-cut methods of old. The Sobaya company is North America's only certified organic, traditional soba and udon maker and they are an Eden Foods' affiliate.

Organic EDEN Soba and Udon noodles are made of the finest North American family farm organic grain • whole buckwheat • hard red spring wheat • whole grain durum wheat • Lundberg short grain brown rice • Khorasan (Kaumut ®) wheat, and • spelt wheat. Flour is freshly milled for each production cycle. Pure water with a bit of EDEN Sea Salt is added to flour and kneaded. Salt binds the dough, enhances flavor, and preserves the dried noodles. When the dough is ready, it is rolled out and folded onto itself eight times, rolled again, and cut to length. This folding dramatically improves the noodle's cooked texture. Long strands of noodles are lifted onto racks, moved into drying rooms, and allowed to slowly dry for up to two days depending upon the thickness and ambient temperature/humidity. Dutifully tended, they are hand cut and packed when perfectly finished. The finest ingredients, patience, and a ‘no shortcut’ approach create superior texture, flavor, and your well-nourished wellbeing.

Eden also offers seven varieties of soba and udon that are traditionally crafted by the Tanaka family in Japan • Brown Rice UdonUdonBuckwheat SobaLotus Root SobaMugwort SobaWild Yam (Jinenjo) Soba, and whole grain • 100% Buckwheat Soba. These Tanaka family made noodles are grain that is not organically grown and they contain a little more salt than Eden's Sobaya company made noodles.

Versatile, Quick, and Satisfying

EDEN Soba and Udon noodles are light and easy to digest, delicious, endlessly versatile, easy to make, and completely satisfying. They are great for a dinner entrée or a quick snack, and are the perfect quick-to-prepare meal for unexpected guests.

With the variety of EDEN Soba and Udon noodles and a stocked pantry, you will be ready to make quick healthy meals easily that will fit just about any mood. Soba and Udon noodles are traditionally served with dashi &emdash; a kombu-shoyu soy sauce noodle broth, and are ideal in salads, stir-fries, with a dipping sauce, or any other way in which you enjoy pasta.

EDEN Soba and Udon noodles are the finest available in the Western hemisphere. They are made in the ancient and traditional manner without eggs, additives, or modern techniques such as microwave drying.

Bon Appétit