Eden Organic

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Eden Foods

Miso Soup - Tofu

Serves 6 | Prep Time 10 minutes | Cook Time 10 minutes


Dashi (soup Stock)

• 6 cups water

• 1 piece Eden Kombu, 4 inches long

• 1/4 cup Eden Bonito Flakes, optional

Soup Ingredients

• 1/2 cup onion, sliced

• 3/4 cup carrots, julienned

• 1/2 cup Chinese cabbage, chopped

• 1 Tbsp Eden Wakame Flakes

• 1/2 cup organic tofu, cut into small cubes

• 3 Tbsp Eden Genmai Miso

• 1/3 cup green onions, finely chopped


To prepare dashi, place water and kombu in a pot. Cover and bring to a boil. Turn off heat, add bonito flakes, stir, cover and allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the dashi to remove the kombu and bonito flakes and discard.

Place dashi back in the pot, add the onions, wakame and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes over a medium-low flame. Puree the miso with a small amount of the dashi. Reduce the flame to low. Add the miso, Chinese cabbage and tofu. Simmer, without boiling for 2 minutes. Serve and garnish with green onions.

Shiitake mushrooms may be used in place of bonito flakes to season the dashi. Simply place 6 to 8 Eden Shiitake Mushrooms in the dashi water and cook with the kombu 5 minutes. Remove kombu and shiitake. Remove shiitake stems and discard. Discard kombu or use in another dish. Slice the caps thin and place back in the dashi before adding the vegetables.

Nutritional Information

Per serving: 49 calories, 1g fat (20% calories from fat), 5g protein, 4g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, 0mg cholesterol, 501mg sodium