Serves 4 | Prep Time 10 minutes | Cook Time 30 minutes
• 4 cups cauliflower florets
• 1 1/2 cups onion, diced
• 1/4 cup Eden Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• 2 pinches Eden Sea Salt
• 2 pinches Eden Black Pepper
• 2 Tbsp Eden Garlic Gomasio
or any Eden Gomasio
Preheat oven to 425° F. Toss ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Oil baking sheet. Place vegetables on sheet and bake about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with gomasio and continue baking until tender and golden brown, about 10 minutes.
Per serving: 196 calories, 16g fat (69% calories from fat), 4g protein, 12g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, 0mg cholesterol, 187mg sodium