Eden Organic

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Eden Foods

Sesame Roasted Cauliflower & Onions

Serves 4 | Prep Time 10 minutes | Cook Time 30 minutes


• 4 cups cauliflower florets

• 1 1/2 cups onion, diced

• 1/4 cup Eden Extra Virgin Olive Oil

• 2 pinches Eden Sea Salt

• 2 pinches Eden Black Pepper

• 2 Tbsp Eden Garlic Gomasio
or any Eden Gomasio


Preheat oven to 425° F. Toss ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Oil baking sheet. Place vegetables on sheet and bake about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with gomasio and continue baking until tender and golden brown, about 10 minutes.

Nutritional Information

Per serving: 196 calories, 16g fat (69% calories from fat), 4g protein, 12g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, 0mg cholesterol, 187mg sodium