Pivotal Cereal

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Cereals were once healthy food and a good way to take essential whole grain, they were nutritionally satisfying. Many good options were readily available: hot or cold, puffed cereals, cereal flakes, oatmeal, cream of wheat and rice, extruded whole grain/shredded wheat, granola and müesli.

In the late 1930s, sugar sweetened, chemical colored cereals arrived. Crazy-high levels of sugar with radio/television marketing propelled them to popularity, especially among children. By the mid-50s, using a menagerie of cartoon characters, sport heroes, trading cards, talking animals, superheroes, and prizes coupled with addictive sugar, Americans were converted to, and hooked on, nutrient emptied, health-damaging, super-sweet breakfast cereal.

By the late 1950s, early 60s, whole grain cereal had all but disappeared, ready-to-eat cold cereal dominated breakfast food. Sugary, chemically ‘enriched’ imitation cereal replaced traditional hot cereal like oatmeal, grits, and cream of wheat. Even now, the overly processed ready-to-eat cereals and quick-cooking cereals are served in nine out of ten American homes. The refined grain in them is stripped of protein, beneficial fiber, vitamins, minerals, and many other important phytonutrients. They are overloaded with the cheapest refined sugar, chemical color, chemical flavor, toxic processing chemicals, and misguided agricultural poisons. Recently, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have become a main component of cereals. Most of the food value of the grain has already been diverted into cheap animal feed because inordinately high prices have been received for the depleted, adulterated, nutritionally empty solids sold as food for humans.

Joyous Whole Grain Revival

Interest in natural food has encouraged a revival of traditional whole grain cereal. After dozens of studies, the medical community and U.S. government now acknowledge the irrefutable role of whole grain in health. Appreciation of whole grain food is common again, and growing. Real organic whole grain, like EDEN Flakes and EDEN Müesli, are the finest whole grain to be found. Whole grain that causes the body to burn 25% more calories, in addition to its superior plant protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. It subdues appetite by satisfying us more thoroughly for longer. Whole grain greatly assists one’s weight management, while encouraging well-being, mental acuity, and longevity.

Properly handled and prepared, EDEN Flakes and EDEN Müesli maintain integrity of whole grain nutritional components. Their full spectrum, rejuvenating nourishment provides all we need in protein, complex carbohydrates, good fiber, essential vitamins, abundant minerals, and a bounty of critical phytonutrients with essential fats in proper amounts. A bowl of EDEN Flakes or EDEN Müesli porridge provides bracing energy, sets a positive tone and a centered disposition for any day.

Cereal in Minutes – Hot or Cold

Five organic EDEN whole grain cereal flakes • Kamut® • Oat • Spelt • Rye • Brown Rice are U.S. organic family sourced. They are hulled and rolled into quick cooking versatile flakes. EDEN WG Flakes make excellent porridge after a short cook time. They excel as a thickener for soups and stews, in or on salads, baked goods, granola, and many recipes. For delicious variety try mixing the different flakes and add some good dried fruit for amazing porridge, superbly satisfying any time of day.

Organic EDEN Müesli is three Whole Grain Flakes • Oat • Rye • Spelt with sweet-tart organic dried cranberries, raisins, wild lowbush blueberries, roasted and lightly sea salted pumpkin seed, and raw sunflower seeds. EDEN Cinnamon Müesli has organic cinnamon for taste and added value. Müesli is an any-time-of-day meal, good hot or cold, in baked goods, added to other cereal, and in smoothies. EDEN Flakes and Müesli are all kosher pareve.

Plastic, False Promise

An enthusiastic cultural shift away from over consumption of plastic, whether single use or planned obsolesence items, is essential. We have been manipulated to believe that plastic is recycled or recyclable, so it is environmentally benign and okay.

A minuscule percentage of plastic is recycled. The exercise that 100s of millions of us go through to segregate our trash into plastic recycle containers, believing we are recycling plastic and other trash, is an illusion and a clear demonstration of thought and crowd control in our culture. This mass manipulation, designed to sell more oil, has increased consumption and dumping of environmentally atrocious plastic.

Recycling is expensive and requires large investments in infrastructure to carry it out in any meaningful way. Those investments have never been made. Only the investment in deceptive marketing and plastic containers for use by people who believe they are recycling have been made. In truth, these items go to landfills or into shipping containers to be exported to poor nations to dispose of it, much of that being recycled straight into the oceans.

Please, take a moment to see into how we have been intentionally duped. The pertinent article is here.

Meanwhile, learn and follow a way of abundant blessing, joy, and enrichment of life. Experience a well-prepared balanced diet. Nourish life, good judgement, and intuition. Doing so will define and center principles for you that serve as a compass for the journey through life.