Totes of certified organic Lundberg Family Farm Brown Rice for making Eden Mirin.
Totes of certified organic Lundberg Family Farm Brown Rice for making Eden Mirin.
Rice is conveyed to the steamer.
Steamed rice moves to a mixer.
Steamed rice moves to a mixer.
When cooled steamed rice is combined with koji and auger mixed.
Koji (Aspergillus oryzae) is grown on rice for three days in moisture and temperature controlled koji room.
Koji / steamed rice mixture is blended with water forming a rice wine mash called 'moromi'. This is pumped into vats and allowed to ferment for two months.
Bubbling vats of fermenting moromi at two months. Sea salt is added and the moromi continues fermentation for a further three months.
Bubbling vats of fermenting moromi at two months. Sea salt is added and the moromi continues fermentation for a further three months.
When fermentation is complete, mirin moromi is directed through canvas presses to filter out bran.
When fermentation is complete, mirin moromi is directed through canvas presses to filter out bran.
Finished mirin is heated to stop fermentation and sent to holding tanks.
Holding tanks filled with Eden Mirin, ready for bottling.